Welcome to the geigerlab

Our Lab is interested in stem cells, especially hematopoietic and intestinal stem cells and aging of stem cells. We work on unraveling intrinsic changes in stem cells upon aging as well as how the niche is affecting stem cell behaviour. Furthermore, we investigate the involvement of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in an aging immune system and the causes and consequences of HSC transformation. Another main topic of our research is how clonality and heterogeneity are achieved in stem cells.

News from the Lab

Demografischen Wandel und Altern gestalten – Interdisziplinäre Impulse für einen ressortübergreifenden Ansatz (2025)

Demographic change is one of the biggest challenges facing Germany. Persistently low birth rates, combined with increasing life expectancy, are leading to a significant ageing of society. This results in a very great need for adjustment in care and health, the social security systems and the labor market. In recent years, demographic policy has been poorly coordinated and managed within the federal government. The authors of the discussion paper recommend making demographic policy a political priority for the coming legislative period. The paper formulates concrete approaches for action.
Prof. Hartmut Geiger is one of the authors of this discussion paper.

Congratulations Dr. Tanja Schuster

Tanja successfully defended her PhD thesis!


October 15th 2024

ERC Starting Grant for Junior-Professor Ani Grigoryan

1.5 million euros for research into ageing blood stem cells

Blood is produced from blood stem cells in the bone marrow. When this haematopoietic system ages, people over 65 often suffer from anaemia, impaired immune responses or even leukaemia.In the "MANAGE HSC" study, junior professor Ani Grigoryan from the Institute of Molecular Medicine wants to investigate how the bone marrow changes with age and how this affects the ageing of human blood stem cells. The junior research group leader has been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council worth one and a half million euros.


Geigerlab in the newspaper

Congratulations Dr. Ali Hageb!

Ali successfully defended his PhD thesis!


Congratulations Dr. Amanda Amoah !

Amanda successfully defended her PhD Thesis!


Congratulations Dr. Mona Vogel !

Mona defended her PhD thesis "summa cum laude" and at the same day received a ProTrainU grant from Ulm University.

Double Congratulations !